lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

Cuadriceps strength


4 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I am Yeray and I choose this informative video about the cuadriceps, its functions, and the most importanta, how to strength it. I love this video because I have an injuty in the upper part of the cuadriceps, where it conect to the pelvis, and I must make a good strength before make sports to prevent recurrence of this enjury. During the video, a boy explain very well how the cuadriceps wark, and a lot of exercecise to the cuadriceps, also explain the diferent parts of the cuadriceps and the exercise are related to each part. This is all I hope you liked it.

  2. Hi, I'm Rodrigo and I've chosen the video of my partner Yeray because I find it interesting and very complete. The video begins by telling you that the quadriceps is one of the muscles that can grow the most. The quadriceps is made up of four muscles, rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis. It has a main function that is knee extension and another that is hip extension. Then he explains a series of exercises, he also says that the best exercise is the squat but that there are also other types of exercises such as lunges, extensions or hip-thrust. At the end of the video he talks about the frequency, the series and the repetitions. Finally, it offers you a routine that, in my opinion, is very good.

  3. Hi, I am Rafael Maestro, and i have choosen this video of my friend Yeray because i think that is very interesting video and very good to know to do the best exercices for quadriceps.
    In the video we can see that a boy is explaining how the cuadriceps work, and a lot of exercecise to the quadriceps, also explain the diferent parts of the quadriceps and all the exercises that are related to each part. I like this video, and i recomended to all people.

  4. Hello, I am Iker Rodríguez and I am going to comment on the video of my friend Yeray, the first thing I will explain why I have chosen this video to comment on it. I have chosen him because I would like to strengthen my quadriceps and because footballers usually have it quite strengthened quadriceps and I like football, the guy in the video explains it very well and it is easy to learn how to strengthen your quadriceps.I congratulate Yeray because this video can be of great help to people who need it. To if I say goodbye, and I advise this video.


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