martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

¿How to have a great throw in basketball?


4 comentarios:

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  2. Hello my name is Diego and i am going to make a comment of this video related to basketball, this video have the objective of improve and set the best throw. The first step is to find a position where you are in equilibrium, the second step is before catch the ball put your arm facing the target for be prepared to shoot and the third and final step is when you throw the ball you shuold move arm from an angle of 90º to completaly extended and your finger have to be aiming to the net. This three steps have to pracitise for have an amazing throw.

  3. Hello my name is Daira Terán Merino and I chose that video because it is relate with my video that is abaout basketball. I find that video interesting because is a short video that shows us the principal skills abaout basketball and show us the main steps to do a very good shoot and do an amazing throw of the ball.

  4. Hello my name is Francisco de Dios Rojo i am an student of San Gregorio la Compasión School of Aguilar de Campoo and I choose this video of my partner Diego Iglesias Aguado that show us how to do or to get better shots in basqueball, is think is so entertaning.


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