martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

8 Ejercicios para Fuerza Increíble ¡MÁS FUERTE!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Sergio and I'm going to explain why I've chosen this video: I find this video very interesting because it teaches you how to do strength exercises. I think it's very positive to have this quality because having strength can help you in very specific situations that have served to rescue someone's life. In addition, maintaining strength exercises strengthens your health and your form. In addition, with this type of exercise you can also improve your physical shape and be more attractive on the outside, so you stay motivated to continue doing this to continue preserving your body. I hope this video has been of some use to you. Bye Bye

  2. Hello my name is Diego and I am going to make a comment of my teamate, the objetive of this video is to increase our strength doing some exercises. The first exercise consist of make push ups but only with your fingers, the second exercise consist of make adominals with a low acceleration to make more effort doing, the third exercise consist of move up and down a bar to become the biceps stronger, the fourth exercise consist of make jump a rope improving your quadriceps and the final exercise consists of put your legs up and bend and with only your hands dont touch the floor. This exercises is too important to become stronger and fit

  3. I have chosen this video from my classmate Sergio instead of others because I believe that training our strength is one of the most important things to do. It helps your physical health by keeping you fit and your mental health by making you proud of yourself.

    What I like about this video is that he explains different exercises of how to improve your strength visually. Another thing that I appreciate from this video it is that this way to improve your strength is challenging, but everyone should be able to do it. In addition, this is a brief but precise and useful video, so we can find it enjoyable.

    I strongly recommend this training method, because as I said earlier it is challenging but everyone can do it in order to improve their strength.


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