martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016


2 comentarios:

  1. I think this video is not corretly because she starts running thats it ok but then starts to jump and do some exercices of nees that are high intensity and then stop and start to strench that is lower intensity.
    So the exercices have to be reverse than he do because hasn't have progresivity.
    I also think that explain very good the streching part but also the streching part hasn't got progressivity becasuse she starts doing exercices so it has more intensity parts of the legs that are in tension neck that you have the most relaxed body

  2. I think this video is very interesting because it shows us how to warm up correctly in order to avoid injuries. In this case. Rebecca explains very good each exercise and helps us to understand the importance of warm up. She does some steps that are useful in our daily activity, The main exercises that she does are:
    1) Jog on spot.
    2) 10 star jumps
    3) High knees
    4) Stretches: legs , arms/upper body.
    She strengths the neck to the left side- right side, bottom. tup up and right - left again .
    This is my comment about this video, i hope you liked it and you understand.


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