miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Flexibility in practice

1 comentario:

  1. Hi I'm Virginia,
    in this first course evaluation fourth we have been giving two big parties they are flexibility and Handball, and in the video that I have chosen instead to put a training normal flixibilidad or tips to improve flexibility, such as this:

    I decided to choose this video Parkour in real life because we can see how the flexibility is used and that if trained and good flexibility is obtained agility is also obtained, and as in the video shown is practiced agility and flexibility, moving agile mind through the streets of Paris and referring to the attire and the theme for a video game called Assassin's Creed Unity in which is also the character with good flexibility training sonsigue hold walls to jump and get presicion with the movements.
    I hope you like the video and may see as a good flexibiidad is applied in Parkour. because it seems curious to see what you can get has to do with a lot of training and a very good flexibility and can also motivate to improve our flexibility.
    until next time¡


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