martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

How to take your pulse

2 comentarios:

  1. I think this video is very important , and I feel the same as you , sometimes when we are in Physical Education class , or in another class , and the teacher commanded us to take our pulse , sometimes I can´t find it . I tried in my wrist , neck and chest , but it was impossible , I think I was doing something wrong.
    This video explains the best ways to find our pulse .I tried on my own and I found it , so thanks!!
    I recommend you to see it if you have the same problem that I had , and then comment if you solve it .

  2. This video talks about how to take a pulse rate, I choose this video because in the firts class when we have to take our pulse, sometimes I can't find it.
    I think this video explains quite well how to find it and says the easy parts to take the pulse like tha hand and the neck like Peio says us, and that is the reason why I chose it.
    If you have this problem like me I reccomend you see it.
    I hope that you like this video and helps you.


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