martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Volleyball training

3 comentarios:

  1. Good afternoon, my name is Ángela Bravo from 4º B secondary school.
    In this term we have to choose a video talking about volleyball or endurance, so I decide to look for a video that talks about this two things.
    In this video we can watch a volleyball team doing a endurance training. They do exercises that have a duration of about 20 seconds. They do: skipping low on the post, bipodal jumps, speed 12-3-9 , displacement with locking in the mesh …
    OK, I hope you like it and with this video you can improve in volleyball.
    Bye, bye!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Good afternoon, I’m Álvaro Rosales Fernández from 4ºB of secondary school of San Gregorio-La Compasión.
    This time I’m going to comment the video of one of my classmate, Ángela Bravo, and first of all congratulations for her, of this video of volleyball training.
    So let’s start, in this video you can see a team doing a endurance training. They do different exercises more or less about 10 minutes each one, such as skipping low on the post, bipedal jumps, speed 12-3-9…
    Ok, I hope you like it and understand this comment of this video of Ángela Bravo Calderón.
    Bye, bye


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