martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

Why You Should Warm up?

3 comentarios:

  1. I think it´s very important to warm up before any sport because you can prevent any injures., When you warm up your body is preparing for any sport, and it’s increasing your heart rate pulse intensity. This video explains us why is important warm up, and allso it beneficies Increased flexibility, Better range of motion, Improved muscle stability, Less prone to injury, Loosen muscles. One think I did not know before is that we have to streenth our muscles after doing any Excercise, beacuse you can allso hurt your self. Definetily, this video sys us the importance of a warm up in sport, so remember to do it ¡

  2. I think that it is correct the comment of Beatriz because it shows the important that the warm up it is,it explain the beneficies of the warm up and things ralated with the rate pulse intensity,I seen in this video the important of a warm up in different sport,so when you practise a sport you have to do it.Also the cardio and walking it is good for doing a sport,it show the stability,flexivity and injured the muscles

  3. I think we never give to warm up activities the importance that they must have, but it is the best way to prepare our body for physical effort. Physical education teachers are always saying us that we need to do some particular activities depending of what sport we are going to practice later and I have learned that if the warm up exists, is for many good reasons and if in case we don't do it before playing some sport; the consequences could be so bad for our body, because we can be injured. So this is a very useful text for us, we can see a lot of reasons to warm up and I think the next time I do some exercice I am not going to forget to warm up before.


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