sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016


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  2. How is life?
    I am Alba Puebla and here I post my video about Endurance, one of the basically fitness capacities which consists in doing a physical activity among a period of time. In the video, as well as the definition, it also includes a clarification according to:
    The presence of Oxygen: Aerobic (includes O2) or Anaerobic (It doesn’t includes it), these we had seen before in class, but in the video also a new type is included, the Mixture one, in which both come together.
    The other type is in order of the number of muscles you train.
    This is a short summary of the video. now I just want to discuss shortly a new I have seen while I was looking for information, It talks about a theory developed by different scientists, one of them Tim Noakes, who claims endurance is narrowly related with mind and how our feelings determinates achieving or not our own goals.
    Ok, this is all. I hope you like it!!

  3. Good morning! I am Lucía Guerra from 4º A secondary school!
    First I want to say congratulations to my partner, I think she has chosen a really good video, because also the theorical part of one of the most important physical capacities is important, and the things that the video talk about is the ones that we have see at class, and if we dont have it clear this video will help all of us, becouse is so easy to understant and it has too many example that makes it better. The video includes different parts such us the definitions that we associate with endurance, the correct one, the different types of endurance.
    OK, to end this post I have to repeat it again, GOOB JOB ALBA!


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