miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Stephen curry

3 comentarios:

  1. A sport in which two opposing teams strive to put a ball through a hoop.
    The particular kind of ball used in the sport of basketball.
    A ball game, usually played indoors in an area called the basketball court, in which two opposing teams of five players each contest with each other to toss a large inflated ball (the basketball) into opposite goals (baskets) resembling baskets, each typically a cylindrical mesh suspended from a circular rim which is held ten feet above the court. Players may move the ball by dribbling or passing with the hands.
    A goal scored by passing the basketball through the basket may count from one to three points, depending on the situation in which it was thrown

  2. Hi good morning my name is Francisco Javie and I am making this comment to Gabriel because I think good idea to have chosen Stephen Curry as it is or player trying to outdo each day to it and become better at what they do.

  3. Hi good day my namr is Dani García and I make this comment into this video because i think that Srephen Curry is one of the best players in the world of bascketball. My favourite sport is football but i think that this sport is really difficult because you have to have a lot of aim.
    I hope you like this comment and the video of Gabriel.


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