lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Warm up of football

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello , I choose this topic because I think that is interesant to know the basic warm up of this sport.
    The warm up has to be progresivily, fluidlity and it has to difference two parts : general part in which we strengh all the joints and the specific part in which we do exercise about the sport.
    It is also good for preventing injuries such as sprains or fiber breaks.
    In this type of warm up we have to concéntrate in specific parts such as legs because is the main part that we move in football.
    This is all I hope you liked

  2. It's a incredible video because no everybody con do it and you have to train a lot to do it and make a very big effort.
    This part of the skills determain the abillity that the players has with the ball and for these reason is so interesting.
    I like it a lot.


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