miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. I chose this video because I think she explained in a very easy way how to start with very basic flexibility exercises. It is perfect to start improving your flexibility and do not do very hard exercises which can cause us a lot of physical problems. I am not very flexible but I think that is an important characteristic to have because it prevents you from a lot of damage when you are doing sport. This video is a good option also just to warm up before start doing sport. I hope you like this video and I hope it will be useful for all of you.


  2. Hi Héctor I'm Beatriz. I found this post really interesting because it can help me to improve my flexibility step by step without hurting my self.
    Personally I'm not a flexibility person but it think I must try to improve it.
    In my opinion the flexibility is an skill that you can improve but, i think it depends if you are a boy or a girl and if you are tall or not.


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