sábado, 21 de octubre de 2023

Gain flexibility


3 comentarios:

  1. I chose this video because I found it interesting and I liked how he explained it while he was doing it so that I was stretching something at all times. It seems to me that some exercises take too long, but if I want to learn to have more flexibility that is fine, but there are people who have less flexibility so it will be more difficult for them to do the exercises the first day. I also liked that he has been stretching all parts of the body and has done exercises that I did not know to be able to stretch other different parts of the body.

  2. me ha parecido interesante este video ya que va paso por paso explicando de que manera hay que hacer cada ejercicio y lleva unas pautas, tambien me ha parecido bien que antes de empezar a hacer ejercicios de estiramiento, hace calentamientos y te puede ayudar a saber como estirar el musculo de una forma que no le fuerces demasiado y si sigues el metodo puedes tener mas flexibilidad, tiene mucha variedad de estiramientos y practicamente estira todos los musculos

  3. Hello, my name is Diego, and I chose this video because it is related to one subject of this term: flexibility. The flexibility is the set of basic physical capacities that a person has got and will define their physical performance rate. I chose this video because it starts with a warmup before doing some exercises. If you start without warming up, you can get injured. I think that this would be a good routine to do in the mornings because it doesn't take much time and your flexibility would improve. She shows us how to do different exercises for specific parts of the body.


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