miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Las Reglas de Balonmano (Balonmano de Equipo o Balonmano Olímpico) - ¡EX...

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm Izan González and I'm going to talk about The Rules of Handball. I chose this video because in the handball classes, one of the ones I liked the most was the 100-pass game, that is, the rules. I have also chosen it, because I play basketball and I thought the rules were similar, but in reality no, they are more similar to those of soccer. 69 I have chosen this video in particular, because it explains all the rules very well, based on professional players. It is also an entertaining video because of the plays in the background.

  2. Hello, my name is Ángela and I’m going to comment on the video that Izan chose for this assessment. I chose it because it’s related to the one I commented on, I mean, it’s about the rules of handball. This one is a little bit longer, but I think it’s more visual than mine, this is because it has a real match playing in the background while explaining the rules. That’s the best way to learn them.
    Being longer helped me have more information such as: the goals’ measure (2m wide and 3m long), dribble faults, that there are unlimited substitutions…


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