lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

Spain-Denmark 2015


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  2. I've never watched handball and it hasn't been a sport that catches my attention but after practicing it, knowing more about it and watching this video interests me more. This video is from the 2015 Handball World Cup and we see that it is a game that is very even, they are always tied or losing by one or two, one of the things that has caught my attention the most about this sport is the physical contact that there is, I play basketball and it is very different.I think it's a very interesting sport and when I've played it I've had a lot of fun.

  3. This video shows us the best moments in the match between Denmark and Spain in the 2015 Qatar Handball World Cup. It´s a quarter-final match, which is very important. Also, Denmark is an excellent national team in this sport(generally northern countries like Sweden and Denmark are very physically and technically good) So the difficulty increases. The match is very even, they´re always similar in points. And in the last minute, Denmark ties, and in the last 10 seconds, Spain wins the game, which means that you have to be at 100% in all the match


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