jueves, 26 de octubre de 2023

The rules of handball


2 comentarios:

  1. I think this video was very good and interesting, it tells us about handball and its rules. First he begins by explaining what handball is, then he explains the number of people playing on each team, the objective of the game, he also tells us about the measurements of the goals, you cannot step forward from the goal line with the ball in hand, players usually move inwards so that before they fall they have already released the ball and finnaly he teaches us and tells us many more things that you probably didn't know before, that are very interesting and that will help you better understand how to play handball and all the rules that you have to follow.

  2. Hola Iris, me a gustado mucho tu video porque nos explica las reglas del balonmano, nos enseña como debemos posicionarnos en la cancha, las medidas de la cancha, de la portería, nos enseña los cuidados que debemos tener, el tiempo que dura el juego, los penaltis y nos enseña los diferentes goles


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