sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

How to measure the pulse rate?

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that this topic that I choose is interesting for our health, is important to know this to measure the presion,intensity, or also you can take data of possibles ills.
    But I think that if you are a healthy person this topic is not important to know.
    Also the pulse rate is difference between adults and childs, also there are different forms to take the pulse, for example with the middle or index fingers, and different parts of taking the pulse, for example wrist, neck and heart.
    I like the video because it explain the most important things about pulse rate and I understand better this topic.

  2. Hello Victoria , you do a very interesting post. I like this post because all the people can measure its pulse rate.
    The person that have a heart ill can know ´s their pulse rate.
    You put the zones to measure our pulse rate but I think that we can ´t know whit exactly the pulse.
    It´s a good post and thank you to give us this information that will bring to people that they need it.


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