domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Volleyball warm up

3 comentarios:

  1. The video I have shared with you is about the Warm Up of Volleyball
    I search a video abput volleyball because i think is a funny and hard sport , i like it.It also explain different examples of some exercises. The video is soo important because if you don't do a warm up you can have a injure . If you want to play volleyball the first thing that you have to do is warm up.
    First running fowards and backwards , then right foot in front , left foot , and changing , then crossing arms , streaching legs , also i think that will be better if it was also a part of the warm up with the ball , i hope you like it and understand

  2. amazing this video andrea !!!
    I like it a lot because it explains very well the warm-up to be able to practice and practice volleyball.
    Explain very well how to perform all the warm-up exercises of the sport.
    All the steps that you explain very well and with a good order so that when people see it, they realize everything you must do first and what follows and I like that a lot
    Others think that I like that the main information is represented in the video with numerous explanations and that they are teaching and demonstrating it little by little.
    You have chosen good video Andrea

  3. Hi Andrea I think your video is very suitable for all people who perform this sport a few days a week, can know how to heat properly and do not suffer from any injuries practicing this sport. It also seems to me that this very well that the boy you go explaining step by step how to get to do it correctly. There was some exercise I had never seen and they could be very good for other type of sports. The best thing is that in the end he has made a table with the heating. You have chosen a good theme for the video I congratulate you


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