domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello everybody, I´m Ángel from the class 4ºB ESO and I´m going to comment this video.
    In this term we practise two sports, which are Handball and Flexibility. I decide to put a video of Handball, because I´m really interested in this sport that is so funny and friendly.
    In it we can see diferent ways of throwing a penalty, but someones are so difficult and requieres many hours of practice.
    This sport have some rules:
    -Steps: A player cannot be more than three steps with the ball in his hands.
    -You can use the boat to move also.
    -After you stop throwing away is not allowed back to throw again. On the other hand, it is possible to give other three steps.
    -You must spend, throw on goal or bounce prior to 5 seconds since he picked up the ball.
    -You have to step on the sideline of the field to make a throw-in.
    -One can play the ball from the knee up. The goalkeeper can do this with any part of your body..
    Okey this is the end of my comment, I hope you liked.
    Bye Bye.

  2. me ha encantado el video de angel de la parte soto son unos penaltis verdadera mente raros y espectaculares es muy dificil hacer lo que hacen esos tios realmente si yo estuviera de portero no me gustaria estar de portero por que te destrozan o te rompen los dientes

  3. Vaya pedazo de video , me ha gustado mucho como lanzan los penaltis esos cracks , también me ha gustado la música de fondo , tenemos que quedar para entrenar esos penaltis , también he observado la cara que se le quedaba al portero traes esa humillación , en resumen , un gran video para subir a este blog.


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