domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Rules of Handball

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Maria Torices from 4ºB. In this assesment of phisical education, we did flexibility and handball and I'm going to explain a video of handball that I choose, because I think that is more interested than flexibility and I enjoy this month a lot.
    In this video, a boy explain some of the most important rules that exist in handball. We can learn about how to throw the ball, seven metre throws that is the penalty, hoy to pass the ball, dribbing the ball, passive play, that you have to give the ball to the other team...
    This is all and I hope you like this, and you understand. If you want to know more look the video!
    Bye bye

  2. Hello, my name is Maria, and I’m a student of San Gregorio school. These assessment, in class, we practise handball. I think these sport is very interesting, so that’s why I have decided to leave a comment in the post of my classmate Maria Torices.
    In these video you can see all the rules of handball explained by a boy. One rule is that is necessary to play with two teams of fourteen people each other. The times of playing are two times of 30 minutes. Is very important to through the ball when you are out of the area, if not the goal doesn’t count.

  3. Good afternoon! I am Lucía Guerra from 4º A ESO. First what i want to do is to say congratulations to my partner, good job!
    Now,I can start talking about the video I decide to coment on this video because I think is really important to know the rulers of the discipline we are going to learn about, in this case handball, also I want to add that this video is easy to understand and maybe this is because the examples that appeared in the video. Maybe to make use of all this rules is a kind of difficult because we are not able to developed all this matches situation, but I don’t know, what im sure of it, is that if we sow this video we are going to make it better in the nexts P.E sessions.
    That´s all! See you soon.


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