viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016


1 comentario:

  1. Hello to everybody!!
    Welcome to my first post in this year, Y4A SS. I´m sure that you will like it!
    Now I´m going to explain you the video that I choose. Let´s go!
    In this video I´m going to talk about the handball rules that we learn in the four sessions of Physical Education and you can see a handball coach that is going to saw you the different rules of handball.

    1. Basic skill pass: You must trow the ball to the chest of the other partner and with the elbow back.
    2. Quick pass: Is a short pass but the boy must look the spaces and trow quickly the ball with his partner.
    3. Movement: The player must move backward and foward to catch the ball because handball is a fast sport.
    4. Jump shooting: This is the best part of handball. The player mustn´t pass the area when he trows, and he must to take three passes and a jump before shooting.
    5. Goalkeeper: In this sport the goalkeeper can use all the parts of his body besides leaving the goal to reduce spaces to stop the ball.
    6. The thrower's arm needs a large movement!
    Enjoy the video!
    I hope you all had a great time watching my post!
    Goodbye! See you!


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