martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

The Rules of Handball

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Paula and I'll explain what we see in this video are: Handball rules the main thing to know is Handball
    Duration: Handball is played in two parts of 30 minutes
    Players: A handball team consists of 12 players, of which can only play 7 at the same time (6 field players and a goalkeeper)
    Steps: A player with the ball in his hands can not give more than three steps without throw.Then of the three steps you can bounce back.
    Doubles: After stop bouncing is not allowed to bounce back again.
    Other important rules:
    It is not allowed to push, hold or strike an opponent.
    'You can not keep out a player with his arms or legs. Yes with eltronco.
    It's missing step on the line delimiting the goal area of ​​6 meters and enter it (except the goalkeeper).
    'You can not catch a ball that is stationary or rolling inside the goal area, except the goalkeeper.
     -within The area, the goalkeeper will not be punished if it steps or doubles.
    He can shoot at goal from inside the box, as long as the player has jumped previously without stepping on the line and throw the ball before falling to the ground.
    As you can see I have already explained the rules of Handball I hope have understood and goodbye

  2. Hello Paula.
    I think this is a very interesting video because many times we practice a sport previously without knowing the rules, leading to certain fights, injuries ... Under my personal opinion knowing the rules makes when you see and practice that particular sport you find most enjoyable and makes you can practice it with interest.
    This year we have made difentes handball exercises in which we learned the different types of rules of the sport and also where we could practice. Unquestioningly it seems like a nice sport that should be practiced in a country like Spain, or at least give it a try as different types of sports in Spain are not as practiced.

  3. Hello I'm Sofía and I choose than video to talk about it because I think it is really interesting. It talks about the hadball rules. I think it is really important to know all the rules to do any sport, because if not, maybe you get injured or maybe you do faults...
    The main important rules in handball are that you can't enter in the area, only then goalkeeper can, you can do three steps and you can bounce...
    Handball is a team sport. In my opinion, handball is a really fun but difficult sport, and the players of that sport have to practice a lot to improve, and I recommend you to try to play... Bye!!!


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