lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

-heating specific of handball-.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello to tod@s,soy Cristina and I am going to talk about the specific training that must be done in handball,Let's get started :1 °) runs for 4 or 5 minutes to activated.2º) then perform muscle stretching stretching adductors, hamstrings and forearms and the dorsal.3º) stretch the ankles by turning in circles with the feet, the twins, the quadriceps, triceps , and the biceps. That is all and I hope that les serve of helps in any moment and les has liked. GOODBYE!

  2. Hi Cristina to this I liked it because it is a sport that e have been practicing in physical education class during the first evaluation. In this video you explained very well handball heating the simplest to the most complex. For people who want to practice this sport is very well this video.
    A greeting ;)


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