domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016


3 comentarios:

  1. What’s up?
    This first assessment of 4th year of secondary school, we have started with Flexibility lessons and handball as sport. I, for this first post, have decided to do it related to the second topic, Handball.
    Personally, I enjoy practicing this sport more than others such as Hockey, although is not known and famous as basketball or football in our country, since 5 year back till now, it is pulling off a very important place here in Spain. The female national team, They are popularly known as the “warriors”, “guerreras”, and the male team as the “hispanos”.
    In my opinion, and as we can see in the video, handball share loads of features with football (as the use of goals and the presence of goalkeepers, areas..) and also similarities with basket (bouncing, 3 steps instead of 2 before shooting, doubles, and other rules).
    Returning to the video, the topic it has impressed me the most is the one in which it talks about referees’ sings, I think it is very usefull because these kinds of things we do not usually learn in class.

    OK, so that’s all!!

  2. Hi Alba ! I have chosen your video to comment because I fully agree with you in that I would pass very well playing this game more than if we had played other typical sports like hockey or football ... Also I am with you agree that has similarities with basketball, a spot that we play , a other typical sport.
    I think you are correct choosing this video because it explain very good the basicsthings of this sport , handball.
    OK, this is all, this is my opinion about you video.

  3. Hi I'm Etna of 4º ESO of the college San Gregorio School.
    I chosen this video because I think is very important to now how many rules have this sport to practise properly.I think there are one's os that rules that Alba says that are like the basketball.
    I think we put ça video about the rules of the handball because you can play a sport if yopu didn't now rules and the video explains the rules good to take ones and learnt to practises this sport.
    This is all, I hope your video Alba, thank you to put this video because I like very much.
    Bye, bye.
    Etna Maestro Bedoya


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