lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016


Hi, I´m Marina and this is my post about the beneficts of the warm up.

Increased Muscle Temperature - The temperature increases within muscles that are used during a warm-up routine

Increased Body Temperature - This improves muscle elasticity.

Blood Vessels Dilate - This reduces the resistance to blood flow and lower stress on the heart.

Improve Efficient Cooling - By activating the heat.

Increased Blood Temperature - The temperature of blood increases as it travels through the muscles. As blood temperature rises, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin weakens so oxygen is more readily available to working muscles, which may improve endurance.

Improved Range of Motion - The range of motion around a joint is increased.

Hormonal Changes - Your body increases its production of various hormones responsible for regulating energy production.

Mental Preparation - The warm-up is also a good time to mentally prepare for an event by clearing the mind, increasing focus, reviewing skills and strategy.

1 comentario:

  1. I think this post is very important because it shows us that if you start a sport whithout any warm up it can make us an injury(because our muscles are cool and they haven´t got enought flexibility, or our heart isn´t prepared for doing an effort). In most cases injuries aren´t make by the sport, they are make by a bad or any warm up.
    So, you never do a sport whithout spending any minutes warming up your body.
    To conclude, if you want to have a healthy body, you must give the same importance to the warm up and to the sport wich you do after.


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