jueves, 20 de enero de 2022



2 comentarios:

  1. Exercise 1 improves your offensive defense and reaction.
    Exercise 2 is based on a right-left basket entry exercise, and you have to make as many baskets as possible in 2 minutes without stopping, and this also makes it a good resistance exercise.
    Drill 3 is a drill to improve your shot at the free throw line. Once you shoot the basket you must run back to the triple line and then return to the free throw line, like this all the time for a few minutes
    Exercise 4 you have to get under the rim of the basket trying to put the basket each time supporting one foot, this exercise will help us to finish an inning.
    In exercise 5 we will do defense, dribble and pass, it is a fairly complete exercise
    In exercise 6, changes of direction are worked on while bouncing the ball, first the ball is changed to the front in a V shape, then the ball is changed by dribbling between the legs, and finally a ball change is made to the back. All these exercises are done when some cones point to you, those cones are going to make you end up making an entrance
    In exercise 8 we make a car pass and shoot
    And finally, exercise 9 is to get almost under the basket, hitting the hoop and picking up the ball while we jump, so we are practicing to catch a rebound.

  2. Hello, I'm Paula and I'm going to comment on this video, in the first exercise, it improves defense, in the second it's about a shot to the basket from the right and left and enter as much as possible in 2 minutes, in the third it's to improve in free throws, in the fourth you must get under the basket to shoot with one foot each time, in the fifth we will practice defense and passing, in the sixth you have to change the direction of the ball, in the seventh we will shoot, and in the eighth We will shoot, pass and bounce and finally shoot and catch the ball back, I liked this video a lot because it makes all the rules about basketball known.


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