lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023



4 comentarios:

  1. In this video he explains the basic movements of soccer, how to handle the ball and how I think he explains it well enough and makes it easier for you to put it into practice and I think that to know how to play soccer is the minimum you need to know . He explains it in a very short time and it is also a more enjoyable way.

  2. Hola Lucia me gusto mucho tu video ya que nos enseña ejercicios para mejorar la condición del balón, me gusta mucho como lo explica todo, los 5 ejercicios me parecieron muy útiles, ya que enseña como llevar el balón, como debemos mover nuestros pies para poder hacer cambios de pie y conducirlo mejor.

  3. Hi, I'm Paula Salvador and I'm going to comment on this video because I found it interesting for beginners who want to start playing soccer. In the first exercise we see that there are cones with a lot of separation and in each one make a turn with the ball, the second consists of in doing a zig zag controlling the ball with both feet, the third put the cones in zig zag and you have to control the ball following the cones the fourth we put the cones closer together and make the zig zag faster and finally The fifth exercise consists of doing a sprint controlling the ball and in all the exercises doing the round trip repetition I hope you liked my comment.

  4. Hi, I'm Silvia and I have choosen this video because I liked the exercises they did, they are simple exercises and they are useful for people who don't know how to play soccer, control the ball or those who are just learning. This video is very good for people who like soccer and sometimes also if they play it because watching videos you can also learn, even if it is a little.


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