miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

Parkour Pov 1ºPersona en Rio de Janeiro


2 comentarios:

  1. This video of first-person parkour on the city's rooftops in Rio de Janeiro is amazing. You can see the skill and agility of the athlete confronting the walls and obstacles in his way, jumping and running in an aggressive style. It also requires a lot of strength, elasticity and coordination to be able to make the acrobatics and jumps with the perfect precision and safety. It also requires a lot of courage and strong mentality to overcome the scares and risks. A bad fall could be fatal for you, more in a high altitude. I think that I'm not able to do it.

  2. Este video me ha parecido impresionante y muy arriesgado por los saltos que hace la persona, parece bastante complicado pero el video es muy original y el parkour siempre es divertido de ver.


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