domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023

The tactics that revolutionized soccer

3 comentarios:

  1. hello i'm carla and i have chosen this video because i think they are quite interesting systems because they changed the history of soccer.
    the fifth is the pyramid system: thanks to a position that the English decided to create the midfield to create a triangle where the midfielders have more movement when passing the ball with the rest of the players.
    in fourth place the WM: they changed the 2,3,5 for a 3,4,3 in the center there were two defensive players and two inside players, from this tactic come the rest.
    the third one would be the jogo bonito, I liked it a lot but it didn't succeed, it was a more defensive one like Guardiola's Barca.
    the second would be the total soccer, this one attracted attention because all the players attacked and defended.
    and in the first place the catenaccio: it is a lock system, more players are accumulated in defense, even one player at the back.

  2. In this video he explains different ways of running, how to do it well and when you do it wrong, he has a good explanation and teaches how to do it, pointing with the different arrows in which way the legs and arms have to go. In case you have not understood the explanation, it puts it in larger font. And the video is very short.

  3. I chose this video because it looked quite similar to mine and for that reason it caught my attention. I found it an interesting and entertaining video in which you are taught different soccer tactics, some more complicated than others. I think it is very useful and apart from that in football we see some of these tactics and I find it interesting to know how they are done and how the players manage to make those plays with such ease. The video explains the different tactics very well and I liked that. I also liked that the video is short and that it shows a lot of images.


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