viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

How to do a Cartwheel for beginners


3 comentarios:

  1. This video explains how to make a cartwheel step by step. I think this video it is interesting because it explains it very well and with all the necessary steps to do the carteheel weel. First, he explains how the body must be positioned to be able to do it well, and then he explains how to put our hands and how we can stretch our legs so we can do the cartwheel perfectly and not have any problems when we have to do it. I think is a very good explication I also that is a very good video to learn to do it.

  2. I really liked the video of my partner as it was a very interesting and entertaining video. It is a video that despite being short explains very well the steps you must follow so that the somersault turns out well for you. The cartwheel is an exercise that seems somewhat difficult to me, but with this great video you have made me see that it is a simple and interesting exercise. A positive aspect is that he has been repeating the exercise several times and while he was doing it, he was explaining it step by step. It is a video that even if you are not good at doing gymnastic skills exercises, it is easy for you since it explains it very well.

  3. In this video, we can see a girl showing us step-by-step how to do the cartwheel. I found this video so helpful because you can appreciate every single movement or 5hing you have to do in detail so, in the end, you will achieve to do or improve this gymnastic skill. The video is not hard to watch as you do not get bored at all with the explanations of the girl, for these reasons, I found this video perfect to learn how to do the cartwheel.


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