jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021



4 comentarios:

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  2. This video seems perfect for people like me, who have no idea how to get strong by exercising and are out of shape. For me, these steps, as the name suggests, I find them easy to carry out. Although so many strength exercises in a row for fifteen minutes and without some small break between exercise and exercise of a few seconds, I think that my body would not last that long time and I would give up easily. But I think that once you start doing exercises like those every day, you can create a routine and those improve physically. In general, these exercises are great for me.

  3. I choose this video because is a video with exercises to people who are starting to do exercises of strength and aren´t be difficult exercises. Also I think is a good video because she don´t stop to do exercises, she is doing something all the 15 minutes of the video, so she distributes the time very well to do a lot of exercises. She only stop like 5 seconds to say the tipe of exercises that she is going to do. I think if you start doing all the days a rutine like this video in one week you are going to be more strength and you can do exercises for more time and so you can finish in a very good shape.

  4. Thanks to the video that my partner Luis has chosen to do his work, I have learned different ways to improve strength in people who are beginners in this discipline. This type of video helps very well to people who do not know anything and can learn to avoid certain risks and to perform the exercises correctly. Thanks to these videos, a routine is formed and that is very good for health, both mental and physical health


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