viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

14 Minutes Fat Burning HIIT Cardio


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because it seems very good to me as he explains it and also in case you do not understand it, in the corner there is a video of how he does it.
    The video is good for people who did sports in their forties, it was good for me when I was confined, to exercise since I could not play basketball.
    The video deals with different exercises to stretch and warm up, each exercise lasts twenty seconds and between the exercises there are ten seconds, but you have to jump a little to not lose your heart rate. The exercises are increasingly intense.

  2. I think this video is very good because the intensity is increasing more and more, it explains everything well and you can do it anywhere, they are not difficult things, only that each time the intensity of the exercise increases, I think it is interesting and being cardio you train all parts of the body and if you don't usually exercise from time to time you can make a video of this style and so at least you don't lose the shap

  3. I have chosen Silvia's video because I have found it very interesting as soon as I have seen it. I'm going to explain a little about what the video is about. This video is good for people who do sports at forty, it deals with different exercises to stretch and warm up, the exercises usually last approximately 20 seconds, between exercise after exercise 10 seconds, you can also do the exercises anywhere, since the cardio you train the whole body. The intensity of the exercises is increasing more and more. You do not lose the form since you can do it whenever you want.


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