jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021

Rhythmic gymnastics routine


2 comentarios:

  1. The sport i have chosen is rhythmic gymnastics, because fron the age of 4 to age of 10 y practiced this sport at the rhythmic gmnastics school in Alar del Rey.
    In the video explains a general rhthmic gymnastics warm-up. In this sport the warm.up takes many more minutes than other disciplines, you can spend up to two hours preparing to perform an exercise.
    The muscles and joints of the body are worked, many repetitions have to be done. The most important thing in warming up is flexibility. From the feet to the neck at least eight repetitions of each execcise have to be done.
    Warming up is also sitting, lying, down.
    The legs work flexibility from the hip to the foot. The lasrt thing really is the back and neck and head.
    Like any sport, warming up is the most important part before doing a sporting event.

  2. I think that this warm up would be difficult for someone who does not have much flexibility or has never practiced this sport, and I think it is quite good because it does a complete warm-up that reaches from the feet to the neck and explains the exercises quite well.


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