lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

Rutina de cardio para adelgazar rápido


2 comentarios:

  1. I like these types of videos a lot because you learn how to train at home if you do not know any exercise, and these types of exercises that you do are quite good because you try to move all parts of the body in 15/30 intense minutes, this type of videos what they try is that you do a type of warm-up very intense so that later the exercises that you do looser have everything very heated so that it does not cause any type of injury, and what most catches my attention in the video is that it explains it quite well each exercise and doing repetitions.

  2. I like this video because it talks about how you can lose weight quickly by doing intense 15-30 minute exercises. This very well explained each thing that I also like a lot. It also talks about how you have to do it so that you do not miss any step. You can practice it at home, either alone or with a friend. Try varied exercises moving all the muscles of the body. try to do a good warm-up so that later it will not cost you so much to do these exercises. It seems to me that it is a good training since it is not very difficult and it is very easy to do. Of this type of videos this has been the one that I like the most


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