martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Daira Terán Merino and I am going to show you a video of a routine to improve your felxibility.
    This is a routine based in some exercises that you can use to entrain or to take more flexibility.
    First this girl starts with some stretching, like flexion one leg and the other stay stretch and then the same but with the arms up.
    The stretching movements last 30 seconds each stetch and it not has any rest.
    In the video she does always more or less the same but with different movements and developing her flexibility much more.
    I think this rutine is very efficient because you can do in your home and yo don't need the help of any thing only use your body and I find very interesting because is a good way to impruve your flexibility and take out very much problems of your body.
    I hope you liked the video, Bye Bye-

  2. Hello, I am Gadea Vélez and I am going to talk about this video. I have chosen to talk about this video because I think this girl explains the exercises very well, not only with words, also because she shows the exercises in different perspectives and I like that. Also, I think this video is very useful because the exercises are not very difficult and beginners in flexibility can perfectly do them. And as you don’t need material, only a mat, and the routine is short, about 10 minutes, you can do it every day at home if you want to.


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