viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

Easy voleibol warm up

2 comentarios:

  1. I choose this video because not only does he do activities related to the three major disciplines that volleyball is needed, he also treat with topics in more depth, such as running backwards that will help you when your rivals throw the ball too far, he also walks sideways without stopping looking forward, this is so you don't stop looking at the ball. Although the training has not been of much intensity, it deals with more topics in depth than not only passing and shooting, it also teaches more disciplines required to play volleyball. It could be further improved by adding intensity.

  2. I think this is a very good video to learn how voleyball players warm up. It's important to know at least something specific of the warm up of different sports. It can be very useful in future situation. And also is very interesting to know the different ways to warm up in different sports, in that way we can know with what parts of our body is that sport played.


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