viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

the best dribbles in the world


5 comentarios:

  1. I like this video because it is the sport that I like the most and it is the one I do daily. Dribbling is a very useful thing when it comes to facing someone because you deceive the other as you are going to go to one side and you are going to the other. To know how to dribble you have to be very agile with your leg and be smart when doing them. To be good at dribbling, you have to practice a lot.

  2. I think the video is good, it show us an example of what you can become if you really like the football, but I think is most important to know the passes or the shootings, It's important to know all the disciplines of the sport before know rhe specifics parts of only one discipline.
    I think dribbling is the most difficult discipline of football to learn because you can learn easy passing and shooting because is only hit the ball in a direction, but in dribbling you do not have to only hit the ball, you have to control the ball and it is very more difficult than passing or shooting.

  3. I'm going to talk about foul shots. When there is a foul in a game and it is near the goal, a player is ready to shoot with the ball stopped but has some obstacles that are the barrier that is full of players from the other team and the goalkeeper. In each team there is a player who always or almost always throws the fouls and that player has to practice the fouls a lot because there are many techniques and you have to practice them so that when throwing a foul do not fail it since it is a very important goal for the team.

  4. This is the video that I have chosen, it is a video of soccer dribbles.
    I have chosen this video because it is about a sport that I really like and I really like watching these videos because they do very complicated things for a normal person. The people that appear in this video are an example to follow for me since getting to do those things takes a lot of practice

  5. This video is great its a good eleçtion, we çan see the footballers doing inçredible things and they do it so easy, you have to be so good to do this type of things, also maybe if you want to praçtiçe football and you want to do driblings lihe that it çan help you beçause in some moments it is in slow motion
    They are profesionals and they do this easily but the ones that arent that experimented or are not proffesional it çosts more
    This one was a good çhoiçe of video


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