martes, 6 de octubre de 2020


3 comentarios:

  1. This video has endurance exercises for football.
    In the fisrt one you have to zig zag, another person pass you a ball and you pass him the ball with the rigth and left leg. You have to do this increasing the intensity.
    In the second exercise you have to zig zag but with more intensity, when you finish the zig zag someone pass you a ball and you have to jump and pass back the ball with the head, after you have to shot with the rigth and left leg to the goal.
    Finally you have to start in a central point, sprint to your right take a ball and shot to a goal, after you have to back to the central point and sprint for the other side, take another ball and shot to a smaller goal.
    I think it is a good training.

  2. I choose to do the comment to this video because is other of the sports that I like a lot, I think that is very Good to do the things that this video says because you Will can run for more minutes and your are going to grow up in resistance. Then he also shoot the ball doing exercises and I think that is very Good like he do because he do some exercises and then he shoots and this is so Good to football because the contrincants won't let you and you have to do something to haggle them.


  3. I have chosen to do this video because I found the exercises that he does interesting and I think that the technique is good and I really like how it is explained and how it teaches doing the exercises. I think that resistance is very important in sport in any sport itself is necessary in football in basketball to run by bike in volleyball in skating good in all sports it is very necessary I like all the techniques it teaches and all the exercises seem very good to me
    and for all that I have chosen this video theme well they have seemed very interesting and because it explains it very well and teaches it very well
    Those of other colleagues have also seemed very interesting to me, but after reviewing all of them, this is the one I liked the most


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