martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

How to improve your endurance

3 comentarios:

  1. I think this video is very useful because if you practice or want to practice any sport the endurance is one of the most important things. Endurance is very important because if you don't have endurance when you are doing any physical activity you are going to be exhausted when you just have started.
    Also it is very important the anaerobic endurance because is very good if you run a lot of time very fast because it can be very important to some sports.
    In the other case the aerobic endurance can be very important for other sports, for example, in long races is better to go slow and finish the race that start very fast and after 5 minutes you can’t continue.

  2. In this video the boy is recording the different movements that in the footbal they're very important to practice before a match or before a competition.
    I think that this session is only if you're going to practise football bacause if you are not going to play this sport, the exercises are uselles.

    But i liked this video because, it can be very good to the boys that they are going to beggin in the world of the footbal
    Also has very proffesional movements and a very good cinematic


  3. Hello I´m Javier Bravo and I going to comment this video.
    I like this video because I think it has exercices very important to train your endurance. In the video he does speed changes, it is very important for all the sports because you don´t know when you have to sprint or increase your speed.
    I think the exercices of this video are very important because in my football team we do similar exercices, also the video has exercices that I didn´t do so I going to try to do this exercices.
    I think it would benefit.


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