martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

Exercise to improve specific endurance for basketball

2 comentarios:

  1. This video is about exercises to strengthen a person's resistance, with basketball exercises.
    The truth is that the video is very short, but the good thing about it is that it teaches easy and different exercises in order to gain strength and endurance in this great sport.
    It starts with a coach and two players; the coach explains what they are going to do.
    They're going to make a series of five shots, hitting the midfield (ziq zaq) and they're going to spend seventy-seventy-five percent of training time on this.
    And to finish they will make five free throws.

  2. Hi Claudia, I decided to comment on your post because I feel that it is really interesting and it explains perfectly the main idea of what we are doing during this trimester, the resistance, in this case, basketball resistance in a very short and dynamic video.
    Firstly a man explains a training exercise that consisted of the combination of high, medium, and low intensity efforts in which two boys had to do it.
    I think if you do this exercise a lot of times during a lot of days you are going to win more resistance which is going to help you to have better performance and you will last longer without getting tired during basketball matches.


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