viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021



1 comentario:

  1. I have chosen this video because it interested me and it seemed like a good way to warm up, to prepare our body. The only thing that I did not like is that the video is so long, I think that each exercise should last less time, instead of 30 seconds for each exercise it could be 10 or 15 seconds. The girl, between each exercise rests 10 seconds, something I don't see much sense in it, I think it's best to do everything in a row so as not to miss a beat, I just see it necessary to take a break after the exercises that require the most effort. What I liked the most about the video was how well organized it was and the type of exercises, even though they were long lasting, they were well structured and warmed up all parts of the body, it started with the arms but later she included other parts of the body at the same time. That means that, in some exercises you warm up parts of the body and in other exercises you warm up other parts of the body and in some exercises you warm up some parts of the body at the same time, for example sometimes you warm up the arms and the feet at the same time . I liked it and I think it serves a lot as an example when you want to start doing a sport with great effort.


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