lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021


3 comentarios:

  1. I choose this vide because i think this is a good video to practice at home, and the fact that you can do it everyday is good, you can do it in the morning or at night. The exercices are for all body. the video consists in 20 different exercices to improve the flexibility of your hole body, you don´t nedd to be an expert to do this exercices because they are easy to do,they are made for begginers. In conclusion this a really good 15 minutes full ody stretgh video that you can do at home, so you should try it

  2. Hi I'm Paula and I have chosen this video of my partner because it is an easy video that can be done by anyone. You don't need any kind of material to use and you can do it anywhere. It is a routine that if you do it for a few weeks you will gain flexibility. The video consists of 20 different exercises in which stretches different parts of the body. It lasts about sixteen or seventeen minutes. I recommend this video because it can be very useful to avoid some kind of future injury.

  3. Hello, I am Paula Agudo and I have chosen to comment on this video because it precedes me that the girl in the video explains all the steps very well and looks very calm and calm when performing the positions.
    It also seems to me that the routine is short, so you don't get too tired when doing it.
    In addition to all this, she is in very good shape and from what she says at the beginning of the video she does a lot of exercise and has other routines to follow.
    And finally, I would like to add that the background music is very relaxing.


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