lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021

¡Aprende a jugar #balonmano!

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Sergio and I'm going to explain to you why I have chosen this video: Well, this video seems interesting to me because it explains the rules of a sport that I find very fun `for my taste, and very healthy for my physique, with this video Now you can go with clear ideas of how you can play even if you feel better or worse, try to make sure you come up with an idea to comply with the rules and not skip them, it is a sport that makes me have a good time. I hope you liked.

  2. Hello, I am Mario
    I found Sergio's video interesting, because I think that handball is one of the best sports in our country, I also think that handball is a very dynamic game, in which you have to know where you are at all times. This video explains it perfectly, since a player from a sports club is explaining it, this video also explains how to shoot and how to pass.

  3. Hello, I am Alba and I have choosen to comment this video because in this area near to us there is a very good handball team called fuentes carrionas in Vellilla. I like this video because the boys who are explaining us how to play are doing it with videos and by doing by their shelfs. The video is short and direct so you can get the objectives of the video really fast, also is very dynamic, expain by words showing video doing the exercise...

  4. Hi, I´m Yeray González and I choose this video because we play handball in physical education and sincerely, I like this type of sport. So, I enter in the blog, and I see this post and I see the video to improve my abilities in handball. I recommend this video to know how to play properly and the basic rules. I think that this video is really well to people that don’t know anything of handball and people that it is starting to play this sport. This is all of about my opinion of the video.
    BYE BYE.


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