lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

Exercises to abdominals

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that is a good video to know how to maintain our lumbar fitness, but I think that the video is very long related to the things that we learnt.The person whit make this exercises are a profesional and Im like he exercises Like every sport is important to make all the days to have it fitness. I like this video and now I want to maintain my lumbar part strong.In my opinion is the best video for the make different types of exercises. For example parkour(I´m and my friens practice this in my village) bicicle(olso too practice in my village with my friends) and the mountain(is my favourite sport ) This video help me more. In my opinion this video is the best for the mantain the back strong. Is exactely

  2. Creo que el video de Izan es fantástico y me llamo la atención , porque es perfecto para hacer ejercicio, además va a explicandote como hay que hacerlo, va a un ritmo perfecto y te puede ayudar para si hacer montaña, parkour o cualquier deporte de riesgo, difícil o para no hacerte una fractura a la hora de hacer un deporte complicado. Me encanto


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