martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021

Win flexibility

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi,I'm Hector and I have chosen this exercise because it seems to me an easy routine to do and of short duration. I find it interesting because you can do these exercises anywhere without the need to use any type of equipment. None of the exercises should be done before training but after, and none of them should be repeated twice. Each exercise lasts about 30 seconds and it is not a very hard routine. I recommend watching this video because by doing this routine several days, you will gain flexibility and avoid injury.

  2. Hello, I am Rafael from 4ºA, i have chosen this video of Héctor because it is a very easy routine, and it don´t a long video, and it is very specific all types of exercises, we don´t have to wear an especific clothe or something special, i recommend to all people this video because it is going to help them very much.


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