jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

Abdominales de pie - Abdomen plano

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi I'm Elsa, and I'm going to comment on this video of Patri Jordan. The video lasts twenty minutes in which exercises are performed to flatn the abdomen.
    During the video he does a series of exercises, usually lasting between thirty seconds and a minute. It changes activity, to strengthen all parts of the body.
    The first exercise is to lift your leg until your knee touches with your elbow, both legs forward and sideways. The second is the same as the first only with the legs stretched trying to touch the tip of the foot. And so on.
    I hope you liked the video.

  2. Hello, I am going to comment on this video, I found it very interesting because they are varied exercises and it trains for all parts of the body, I also think they are very easy to do at home.
    And each exercise lasts between 3 minutes and is training from the lower zone to the upper zone.
    I think this video is very good to raise your self-esteem and do it often at home or also with your friends to clear your mind and enter your comfort zone. Besides helping your mind it also helps keep your body healthy and fit.
    To finish I hope you liked it


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