jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

2 comentarios:

  1. I choose this vide because i think this is a good video to practice at home, and the fact that is no jumping is good because of people who don´t like to swet a lot. The exercices are good for all body. The video consist in 7 execercices that lasts 30 seconds each exercice and their repettitions. I think that the warm up in the beginning is bacause you don´t do the exercices cold. The fact taht she shows you the next exercice to prepare your posture for the next exercice. In conclusion this a really good 30 minutes low calories video that you can do at home, so you should try it

  2. Hello, my name is Paula Agudo, and I have chosen to comment on this video because I think that if you like exercising but don't like jumping, you should try this training.
    In addition, the girl explains the exercises very well, since a clip appears on the left before starting to do them so that you know what you are going to do.
    There is also music, which motivates you. And a stopwatch on the right side so you know how much you have left from the exercise. And in case you are not concentrating on the music, every time the time is up, there is a beep that indicates the change of exercise.


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