jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

Complete 20 Min ABS Workout

2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video from Chris Heria.

    The reason I like and chose this video is because It explains and introduce us a complete 20-minute abdominals workout that we should put in practice in order to get good abdominals. Another reason of why I chose this video is because is unnecessary any equipment to put in practice this routine, in other words you can practice this routine whenever you want, and with whoever you want.

    The explanation is pretty simple, and he does the workout in his own, so we can follow along and workout as the same pace as him. This workout also help us to make a better progress in our physical condition and not only that, even it can improve our psychological condition, because exercise help us to stay more active and healthier mentally.

  2. el vidio consiste en una rutina de abdominales y va aumentando la intensidad


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