miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021



3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I am Sergio, a 3B student of Eso from San Gregorio School and I have chosen this video for the task blog because I find it very interesting to be clear about the doubts about the diet and the exercise that we do every day that it can help us to maintain our healthy body, for that we must follow the diet with all its steps, so as not to make weight loss errors, and perform the exercise starting little by little with little intensity and as the weeks go by, increase the intensity of the exercise

  2. Hello
    My name is Diego from 3b and I have chosen to make a comment to this video of my partner because I find it very interesting that a sports professional answers several questions about how to improve your physical condition, a training routine or other things as my partner has said and on how to have a healthy diet or if it is good for young people to do strong exercises if it can harm their health.

  3. Hello, my name is Mario from 3rd B of ESO and I am going to comment on this video of my colleague Sergio.
    I have taken this video because it seems very interesting to me as it solves many doubts like some that I have raised.
    It also explains some ways to exercise correctly so as not to hurt yourself or cause you to have a fracture or something similar.
    this has been my comment I hope you liked it.
    bye bye


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