jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021


2 comentarios:

  1. I am Alba García Prado, and I am going to write a comment about my video.
    This is a video of MadFit about 15 minutes of dancing to keep fit.
    I like this video because, I think doing fitnness with music motivates you and makes you happy.
    In the video we can see a girl that show a few dances with different songs, she seems like happy.
    Keeping fit is quite important to have a healthy live for mental health, for everithing.
    With this video we can work all the parts of the body, at the beggining she was moving her arms and her hips to the rhythm of the music.
    She convey good vibes.

  2. Hi I'm Elsa, and I'm going to make a comment about this video.
    My partner Alba has chosen him, and I agree that he is a lot of fun and also motivates you to exercise. This video is composed of several songs, each has a series of exercises that are performed to the rhythm of the songs. This video works different parts of the body to the bar of music, such as legs, abs, arms, etc...
    You can see that the girl is very happy performed the activities, and that transmits good feeling to the people who are doing it.


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